Working with parents
Working with parents
Parents know their children best, and working in partnership with parents is essential. We work with parents in the following ways:
Parents evening:
Parents will be invited to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher at the Parents’ Evening every term. The SENCO is usually available to talk to parents at this time.
SEN review meetings:
If your child is on the SEN register and receives specialist support, they will have targets related to this support. You will be invited to a review meeting with the teacher and SENCO at least twice a year to discuss progress against these SEN targets. Your child is welcome to attend this meeting if you wish. Meetings are held for KS1 children in the first half of each term and KS2 in the second half.
For children who require the highest level of support, the SENCO will apply for statutory assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This is a lengthy process, part of which involves a structured discussion with the parent. Close liaison with parents is necessary throughout. Evidence is required to be collected over two terms. Once the plan is in place, it will be reviewed and updated at a meeting with the parent, SENCO, class teacher and any other specialists involved once a year, in addition to the SEN review meetings in the other two terms.
SEN Coffee Mornings:
Parents of pupils with SEND are welcome to attend a coffee morning once a month in term time, usually the first Thursday of the month. At these informal meetings, we share concerns, and parents offer each other advice based on their experiences. Sometimes, relevant speakers are invited to attend. If you have any suggestions for appropriate guest speakers, please contact the SENCO; she will be very pleased to hear from you!