
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Windy Arbor is a Nurturing school, our purpose is:

- to maintain levels of good behaviour

- to provide a consistent approach in rewarding good behaviour

- to provide a consistent approach in responding to unacceptable behaviour

- to ensure that behaviour does not prevent learning or affect a pupils potential.


Our School Council, in collaboration with our class councils have devised our new S.M.A.R.T rules...



Are you Windy SMART?

We adhere to the 6 principles of Nurture that have been refined by the children here at Windy Arbor School. These align with our SMART rules. 

We feel safe in school.

We all learn at our own speed and in our own way.

We care about each other’s wellbeing.

We use our words to talk about how we are feeling.

We know that change can be scary but is also exciting!

Our behaviour shows you how we are feeling, but we try to make SMART choices!


As a nurturing school we recognise that a child’s behaviour has to be understood in the context of what is happening in their lives and the feelings they are processing.

ALL behaviour is a form of communication!


