If any children with SEND leave Windy Arbor, we find out where they will go and ensure that their SEN file of information is sent to their new school as quickly as possible. If the child’s needs are more severe, we aim to speak personally to the SENCO at the receiving school to outline the provision that was made for that child.
If a child with SEND needs to transfer to Windy Arbor, we try to put in place an appropriate transition process that can include visits here, a book of photos of people and places that the child will need to be familiar with, a tour of the school and meetings between key members of staff and parents. We aim to make transitions smooth and reduce stress as far as possible.
We support the transition of children with SEND to secondary school in various ways.
- In Year 5, we can support parents and children with thinking through the options and identifying and visiting appropriate schools
- In Year 6, once we know what school a child has a place at, we can arrange transition visits both by the child to the school and by school staff to the child.
As with most things in SEND, there is no ‘one size fits all’. A transition process will be negotiated between us, the parents and child and the receiving school. We will do all we can to make this experience positive.