Creative Curriculum
Creative Curriculum in the Summer Term
Context of Study
This term we will develop pupil’s knowledge of different countries outside the UK. We will be drawing upon our existing knowledge of maps from Autumn and Spring term, developing our knowledge of the different continents around the world. We will be exploring the life and work of key people in African culture, such as Nelson Mandela, and the artwork of Esther Mahlangu, an artist known for her colourful geometric patterns and sculpture work. We will use our knowledge of materials and African animals to create puppets using textiles skills, as well as our knowledge of healthy eating and fruits to create a smoothie inspired by a text in English. Music will continue our study of different styles from around the world, including Reggae. By exploring African cultures and landscapes, we will be able to draw comparisons between this and our existing knowledge of the UK.
In computing we will be researching and gathering information about an African animal to create a typed poster.
In music we will be exploring 'Charanga' and comparing the scheme 'We are in a rock band' to 'Reggae' music in Africa.
In geography we will identifying key human and physical features within the UK and compare to those found in Africa.
In Art we will exploring the African artist 'Esther Mahlangu' and creating our own artwork in the style of geometric patterns.
This term we will be creating our own African animal puppets and designing our own smoothie to encourage healthy eating.