
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Skills Builder

Welcome to our Skills Builder page


Here is where you will find the information all about our skills builder partnership and our eight essential skills. The eight essentials skills our within our school vision and a big part of our school ethos. They are also embedded into our curriculum and our every day life at Windy Arbor. 


Below is a video that Mrs Brooks has shared with you, it informs you about Skills Builder and how you can use homezone to support your child to build on their essential skills. 


Skills Builder Homezone

Still image for this video
All about Skills Builder and Homezone

Useful websites 


Weekly challenge 

Here is the Skills Builder weekly challenge, if you and your child have a go at the weekly challenge please take a picture and put it on your class dojo, your teachers would love to see!


This week your weekly challenge focus skill is Teamwork.
