
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Welcome to Our Nursery Class Page!

Here you can find out about all of the exciting learning opportunities we will engage in, throughout this year. Please keep checking our class page for any updates, notices and topic information.



Please click on the 'Spring Term' icon below to explore all of the learning opportunities the children will engage in, this term.


Remember to click on the 'Gallery' and 'Forest School' icons to look at 'learning in action' photographs.


If you have any questions, please do ask a member of our team!smiley


Throughout your child's time at Windy Arbor, we will be

promoting these key skills:


In Nursery, we will be exploring 4 specific skills

that we will be focusing on.



During circle time, we will introduce each of the four focused skills and support the children to identify a target for them to work towards.
