
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Spring - Jamaica

In our second term of Year 2, we look at the country of Jamaica, please have a read to see all the learning that takes place this term. Underneath is the Knowledge Organiser that the children can refer to throughout their learning journey. 

Our Curriculum 

During this term, we will be exploring the country of Jamaica. This will predominately build upon our Geographical knowledge that we developed in Year 1 and the Autumn term, focussing on oceans and the continents of the world. We will be exploring the human and physical features of Jamaica, before comparing these to our local area and the surrounding areas of the United Kingdom. Our studies will look at significant figures such as Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale, comparing their work, and thinking about how the work of nurses and hospitals has changed over time. We will be extending our knowledge of journeys, following on from our study of the Titanic, researching Edna Chavennes and using historical sources. This will link to Year 5 when the children will be exploring the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Windrush. Building on our knowledge developed in Year 1 of wheels and axels, we will be investigating the use of slides and levers in DT. We will be looking at existing artists such as Barrington Watson and their works in Art. Music this term will allow us to explore the genre of ‘Reggae’, which builds on our studies of ‘blues’ and ‘rock’ from Year 1. In Computing, we will present our findings on Jamaica, and continue our studies of coding using Purple Mash.

Map and Flag of Jamaica

Take a look at the texts we will be exploring this term:
