
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty affecting how people read and spell words. It is thought that up to 1 in 10 people in the UK has a certain degree of dyslexia. Children with mild dyslexia will take longer to learn to read and write; children with severe dyslexia will need additional help. Many organisations are claiming to diagnose dyslexia. Be warned many of these diagnoses are not valid. An optician cannot diagnose dyslexia! Diagnoses from a qualified practitioner registered with the BDA could cost in the region of £300-£500. If you feel your child is dyslexic, please speak to their teacher, who will refer them to the SENCO. If there is reason to believe your child is dyslexic, we can refer to SENTAA, specialist teachers paid by the school who are qualified to diagnose dyslexia.  They will conduct the appropriate tests and recommend effective teaching interventions. Once these have been in place for at least two terms, they can re-assess the child and provide a diagnosis. This is a long process, and referrals are unlikely to be made before the child is in KS2 (year three and above). A reliable and useful source of information on dyslexia can be found on the British Dyslexia Association website.

