
Windy Arbor

Primary School


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Support from external advisors and specialist services

Support from external advisors and specialist services

We work alongside a range of specialist services who support us to assess, diagnose and make appropriate provision for pupils with SEND. These include:


Solihull Specialist Inclusion Support Services - SISS

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team - We pay for 80 hours of specialist support a year. This is used for observations of pupils, meetings with parents, 1:1 diagnostic work with pupils, 1:1 therapeutic work with pupils, production of reports and staff training.
  • ASD Team - Support from this team is free to school and targeted at pupils with a diagnosis of autism who are struggling in school. It includes observations of pupils, advice and support to the SENCO, teachers, parents and carers. We can also apply for ISP support, where a team member will come into school and work with a child on a specific difficulty over a few weeks.
  • Sensory and Physical Impairment Team - pupils in school with diagnosed hearing loss, visual impairments or physical disabilities are supported by members of this team who visit to support pupils in class, provide advice to teachers and parents and conduct appropriate staff training.
  • Speech Language and Communication Disorders Team - This team will only work with pupils diagnosed with speech or language disorders, and referrals are made via the NHS speech therapists. They offer blocks of support through staff from the two speech and language ARCs and provide targets for pupils and support to staff and meeting with parents.


Solihull SEND team

Early Years Support and Assessment Team EYSAT - support from this team is free to the school; a specialist staff member will observe the child in our Nursery, provide advice and support to staff and parents, and assist with referrals to other services or for an EHCP if required. Support is only available from this team in the first two terms of Nursery and preschool settings.



SENTAA is a private organisation that provides learning assessments of pupils. We pay for 120 hours of support from this organisation each year. They visit school to work 1:1 with pupils, assessing their reading, writing and mathematical skills and underlying ability. Their reports provide an overview of the pupils’ abilities and suggest appropriate actions and interventions to support their learning. They can diagnose dyslexia and dyscalculia.  In addition, they provide training to school staff.



In addition to these school-specific services, we are also able to make referrals to NHS bodies, including:

  • Speech therapy - we can refer for blocks of speech support or diagnosis of language difficulties. Since Covid, there has been a long wait for this service.
  • Occupational Therapy - we make referrals for this service to diagnose specific physical difficulties such as dyspraxia (although a paediatrician must confirm a diagnosis) and suggest interventions and equipment to support children with physical difficulties and support pupils with high levels of sensory need. Note there is currently a long waiting list for this service.
  • Specialist Assessment Service - Where needed, we can refer to the SAS for a diagnosis of autism. This is a lengthy process as we must collect evidence over at least 2 terms and involve external specialists. There is currently a two-year wait once on the waiting list.